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Belgium Online Population Forecast 2023-28

Belgians are rapidly embracing the digital world. By 2023, internet penetration reached a remarkable 89.7%, translating to 10.5 million users.

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Belgians are rapidly embracing the digital world. By 2023, internet penetration reached a remarkable 89.7%, translating to 10.5 million users. This trend is expected to continue, with a projected online population of 11.1 million by 2028.

Smartphones reign supreme for internet access, with 92% of users going online via their phones. This dominance is particularly strong among younger demographics, with nearly all 16-24 year olds using smartphones for internet access. Laptops and tablets remain in use, but desktops are gradually being phased out.

E-commerce is another thriving area. In 2023, 65% of Belgians, or 7.5 million people, had purchased goods or services online in the past three months. While this is slightly lower than the 2021 peak of 66%, it still reflects a significant and consistent rise in online shopping compared to previous years. Interestingly, there's a growing trend for purchasing medicine and food supplements online, with nearly one in two Belgians (45%) making such purchases in 2023.

Social media use shows a different picture. Although 78.4% of the population (9.17 million users) were active on social media platforms in early 2024, this represents a slight decrease from 2023. It's important to note that these figures might be due to adjustments in how social media users are counted rather than a decline in actual user engagement. Regardless, a significant portion of the Belgian population continues to be active on social media.

Finally, Belgians spend a considerable amount of time online, averaging 5 hours and 22 minutes daily in 2023. This extensive internet usage highlights its deep integration into everyday life for Belgians, encompassing activities like social media, e-commerce, and potentially other online interactions.

Online population. Total number of individuals or users who have access to the internet and regularly use it for various purposes, such as communication, information gathering, entertainment, shopping, and more (at least once in a month)
Additional Notes
Release Date: April 2024
Region: Belgium
Time Period: 2009 to 2028
Author: Datum Research Team
Source: Datum Global Online Population Forecast 2023-28
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